The Bible contains robust and nuanced teachings about each of these spiritual practices, and we always look to the Bible as our guide. It is the foundation of understanding the why behind each of the rhythms, and it also guides and shapes how we implement each practice in our daily lives.
Labs are designed not to be a lecture-heavy learning environment. Because they are designed for transformation, discussion and collaboration are a central piece of each session.
Don't worry, no trust falls here 😜 We do, however, love whiteboards, brainstorming, and collaboration.
We need God's help to truly be formed into the image of Christ, so we spend time each session praying.
Since the goal of Labs is the implementation of spiritual rhythms, participants will have homework assignments to be completed between sessions. We know this might sound like the least exciting part of Labs, but trust us — you won't get much out of Labs without putting anything into practice!