Everything you need to know about a visit to Elmwood.

We can't wait to meet you!

Before you arrive.

Plan your visit.

We know that coming to a church for the first time can be intimidating, so we've set up a process to make your experience as seamless as possible! When you click the "plan my visit" button below, it will ask you to fill out some simple contact information, and from there, someone on our team will give you a call to introduce themselves and answer any questions you have. When you arrive on Sunday, we'll meet you at the door! 

Pre-register your kids.

To maintain the highest level of safety, we ask parents to check in children who will be in the nursery or Children's Sermon Time (more information about Sunday morning kids programming below). By clicking the "plan my visit" button below, you can enter your contact information along with your child's ahead of time, which fast-tracks the check-in process when you arrive on Sunday. 

Don't take our word for it.

Listen to this five-star review from our Google profile.


"Our family was welcomed and cared for so well on our first few visits that we very quickly felt at home and decided to stay. Our temporary landing place became our church family. Elmwood values God's word highly, includes children in the service, and is beautifully multi-generational. My children have found friends and adults that care about their faith.."

See more reviews here.

When you arrive.

Our address
Main entrance
Guest parking
Our address

Service time:

Sundays at 10:30 am

Main entrance
Guest parking

The flow of our worship gathering.

Each worship gathering is organized around the following movements:



We begin each week with a call to worship (a reading from the Bible) which reminds us that God himself is the one who invites us to gather. Our worship is a response to what he has revealed about himself.


During the community life portion of the gathering, we share about events and opportunities to get connected, grow, and serve.


Each Sunday we have psalm reading and prayer, followed by praying The Lord’s Prayer (these words will be on the screen).

Woman giving announcements



During this portion of the gathering, a passage from the Bible is read out loud and the message about Jesus is communicated in a way that is clear, relatable, and relevant to our modern context. Most churches call this a sermon.


We generally teach through books of the Bible, but we also do messages on a variety of topics.



As a response to the good news about Jesus, we come forward to receive communion (The Lord’s Table).


The Communion Table is open to anyone who is a follower of Jesus.

Pastor John speaking



Having heard the message about Jesus, we are then commissioned and sent to go out into every sphere of life — the places we live, work, learn, and play — to embody the way of Jesus in how we live.


As we are commissioned and sent, there is an opportunity to give financially to the work God is doing in and through Elmwood. If you are our guest, there is no pressure to give financially!

Kid's ministry check-in
Goofy kids at Elmwood Church

Nursery & Children's Sermon Time.

Each Sunday we offer a nursery (0-2yrs) during the entire gathering and Children's Sermon Time during the sermon portion of the gathering (3yrs-2nd grade). Our three through second graders return after the sermon to be with their parents or caretakers for communion. 


When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we have what we call a family Sunday — all our children stay with us the whole time! During our family gatherings, we have a short children's message and a time to get our wiggles out.

We can wait to meet you!

What should I wear?

When you arrive at Elmwood, you'll experience a casual environment. Some people wear jeans (including Pastor John 🤓), some wear T-shirts, some wear dresses, and some wear button-up shirts. No need to dress to the nines, unless you really want to!

Still have questions?

Don't hesitate to contact us!

Reach us by text at (651) 661-5315

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